Outdoor Gear Consignment Boise

We focus on high end name brand outdoor gear and clothing to keep your family out and active for less all year long.
Outdoor gear consignment boise. We even sell used wool socks. How consignment works at the boise gear collective. It just gives you other options if you choose. We work hard to sell your unused items and turn them into cash for you.
Outdoor exchange is boise s biggest and best outdoor gear and clothing consignment store located in the linen district of downtown boise. Boise meridian or nampa id come check out our amazing selection of used and new outdoor equipment and apparel. As always we take consignment in 7 days a week however we will stop taking it in at 5pm to allow us to. If you re in the treasure valley.
Nothing changes after 90 days. Consignment goes for a minimum of 90 days. A unique mix of outdoor goods from. Consignment drop off we will stop taking in consignment at 5pm.
Our passion is making outdoor recreation accessible and affordable for individuals and families all year long. Trade in your used outdoor gear for new to you equipment in boise meridian and nampa idaho. You ve come to the right place for outdoor equipment consignment in the treasure valley. We will not get rid of your items or donate them after 90 days.
Jump to sections of this page. Outdoor gear exchange has an extensive selection of both used and new consignment gear. We will continue to work on selling if you will allow us. Moderate outdoor gear used vintage consignment ski and snowboard shops 671 s capitol blvd boise id talk about taking the hassle out of selling and buying gear.
Outdoor exchange is boise s largest and best outdoor gear and clothing consignment shop. We will continue to sell it or you have the option of doing something else after 90 days. New year news account updates outdoor exchange has made a few changes in the new year to better serve our customers. Skis snowboards outdoor clothing backpacking hunting bikes motorcycles more.
Boise s consignment store for outdoor gear full service bike shop. Follow the directions below to consign your outdoor equipment with us and get that new gear for your next adventure.