Outdoor Gear Repair Eugene

We now carry tear aid tape and a few other buckles and snaps for those diy inclined people.
Outdoor gear repair eugene. We can outfit everyone from first time campers to seasoned mountaineers. Stop by and check it out. Send us a text message. I am so happy with the finished product and the people that i interacted with were beyond friendly and professional.
Outdoor gear repair 1298 bethel dr. 2 reviews of outdoor gear repair the magicians here were amazing. Cabela s is your home for quality hunting fishing camping recreational shooting and outdoor gear at competitive prices. The time and quality that was put into the work on the jacket is evident.
Stop by or give us a call. Eugene or 97402 541 735 7456. Camping gear backcountry travel sporting goods store with equipment backpacks tents sleeping bags hiking boots camp. Most of our staff share your interest in camping skiing and other outdoor activities so we have field tested many of our own repairs and modifications.
We are eugene s premier outdoor store specializing in ultralight gear and rock climbing. Welcome to backcountry gear. Outdoor gear repair is coming to eugene this winter. Want to ask a question or check on a project but don t want to call.
Fabric outerwear repairs how to ship your item for repair to rainy pass repair inc. Specializing in sewing repairs on gore tex fabrics and other outdoor gear including sleeping bags jackets tents backpacks and more since 1986 rainy pass repair our partners in fabric repairs and services can also extend the life of your clothing and gear with alterations cleaning and down re lofting. Outfitters for outdoor. An oregon sewing company.
Outdoorgearlab provides the world s best reviews of outdoors gear based on in depth side by side comparison and written by outdoor professionals.