Outdoor Gear Repair Near Me

Outdoor gear repair 1298 bethel dr.
Outdoor gear repair near me. Technical clothing repair alteration and modification general gear repair for lightweight items factory authorized by the north face helly hansen and trew gear. We are a dedicated outdoor gear clothing repair shop. Ship it in. It s a great time to go through your closet and mail in your clothing and gear for repair.
An oregon sewing company. Get a quote. 4 reviews of outdoor equipment repairs we have a six year old mower that was never maintained by a professional since purchase. Social distance stay safe and in the meantime prep for the summer.
Now she s authorized by the north face helly hansen and trew gear to repair their products but works with any brand s products. Sewing shop outdoor gear repair if you use it in the outdoors the expert fixers at the gear fix can probably repair it. Not only do we use it in the field we also handle it daily in our consignment shop. Eugene or 97402 541 735 7456.
This place located across the street from rei can successfully refurbish repair and revive even the most abused outdoor gear. They were very responsive after dropping off the mower as to the status and what needed to be done. With more than 20 years of experience specialty outdoors can handle most gear repairs. The repairs were quick and for the reasonable price quoted.
Outdoor equipment repairs was the only place that called back after i left messages on a weekend. Before addressing the broad scope of repair its founder penny schwyn formerly sewed for mountainsmith. From backpacking to cycling to staying in shape and more outfit your outdoor activities with the latest gear clothing and footwear at rei. Specializing in sewing repairs on gore tex fabrics and other outdoor gear including sleeping bags jackets tents backpacks and more since 1986 rainy pass repair our partners in fabric repairs and services can also extend the life of your clothing and gear with alterations cleaning and down re lofting.
Specialty outdoors is your outdoor gear sewing and repair expert specializing in alterations modifications and problem solving for technical clothing and light equipment. We love the outdoors as much as you.