Outdoor Gear Repair Seattle

Now she s authorized by the north face helly hansen and trew gear to repair their products but works with any brand s products.
Outdoor gear repair seattle. Specialty outdoors is your outdoor gear sewing and repair expert specializing in alterations modifications and problem solving for technical clothing and light equipment. With more than 20 years of experience specialty outdoors can handle most gear repairs. Specializes in marine and industrial outdoor recreational fabrics as well as all of the notions you need and much more. Face masks are required to shop.
Before addressing the broad scope of repair its founder penny schwyn formerly sewed for mountainsmith. Rainy pass repair inc. For 45 years the msr brand has stood for cutting edge backcountry gear engineering. From gore tex to drysuit gaskets and even technical gear laundry services.
Is the leading specialist in the care and repair of outdoor technical fabrics and equipment. We offer repairs and alterations on outdoor gear such as. Operating out of seattle wa i offer a range of outdoor equipment and gear repair services including repairing zippers seams patches and custom designs. Fixing your broken torn or worn out packs zippers and outer wear jackets pants and even tents.
Technical clothing repair alteration and modification general gear repair for lightweight items factory authorized by the north face helly hansen and trew gear. The fixed line is alaska s source for outdoor gear repair services. Our passionate fusion of mountaineering and engineering has led to a succession of groundbreaking products from stoves tents and snowshoes to cookware and water filters that have revolutionized the outdoor industry. Ski snowboard gear hunting.
5209 ballard ave nw seattle wa 98107. If you enjoy outdoor activities and would like to make your own outdoor gear repair existing gear or outfit your boat then we have the materials for you.