Outdoor Gear Shop Bangkok

Normally it s quite difficult to get hand on decent outdoor equipment in south east asia.
Outdoor gear shop bangkok. Right by the chit lom bts station. Outdoor and camping gear shops the first place to try in bangkok is probably the 2nd floor of the amarin plaza shopping center it s right next to chit lom bts station next door to erawan shopping center there is a sky walk entrance straight into the 2nd floor. We offer convenient store font shopping in the bangkok thailand 2nd floor amarin plaza bangkok. Tankstore แหล งรวมเส อผ า อ ปกรณ เด นป า และอ ปกรณ กลางแจ ง.
This is more of a group of small independent shops that all sell different types of gear. I thought that it s either the usual suspects tankstore the north face columbia supersports at major malls or knockoff brands so it was an eye opening shopping experience checking out the local shops. Chitlom bts station of quality products at reasonable prices. 02 664 8811 fax.
Best overall hotel in bangkok the westin grande sukhumvit. Outdoors unlimited in the amarin plaza located on the second floor. Stories from real people who are blending the outdoors with the everyday the latest information about gear we love advice to get you into a new activity or take your passion to the next level and trip reports to help you plan your next adventure.
Brands offered by tank store the emporium. Tank store the emporium 622 rm 3p15 3 f the emporium shopping complex sukhumvit rd klongton klongtoey bangkok 10110 tel. 02 664 8812 mobile phone. In need of hiking gears it was a shopping weekend for bf and i.
Bangkok tactical is thailand shopping shop for tactical outdoor shooting emergency and survival gear. I have always been under the impression that there is a lack of good outdoor adventure gear shops in bangkok. But in bangkok i found a place with several shops selling various equipment.